週一, 13 九月 2021 08:52

Emerald線上講座邀請:9/14個案研究Case Studies線上講座


Dear all:

近期Emerald East Asia地區將舉辦一個案例研究的線上講座(英文)。內容涵蓋案例寫作和如何運用案例於研究、教學和學習,適合案例研究寫作者、在課堂上運用案例教學的老師,以及想運用案例增強學習旅程的學生。有興趣的師生,歡迎報名參加~
  • 主題:Case Studies – The complete circle for case writers, faculty members and students
  • 內容:
    This webinar is suitable for case writers, faculty members and students as it is a complete circle that covers these three personas. For case writers, learn from invited speaker on how case study is written, what to look for and how to apply in your research journey. For faculty members/teachers, learn how to apply cases in classroom teaching, and how to use the accompanying Teaching Notes. For students, learn how to use case studies in your learning journey.
  • 講者:
    Dr. Hossein Nezakati (Associate Professor, Sunway University Business School; Executive Committee Member, Case Writers’ Association of Malaysia (CWAM))
    Dr. Kong Siew Mui(Industry Fellow, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    Dr. Josephine Chan Ie Lyn(Lecturer, School of Business and Management, Han Chiang University College of Communication)


閱讀 580 次數 最後修改於 週一, 13 九月 2021 09:15