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圖書館為提供師生豐富的研究資源,積極參與「數位論文典藏聯盟」組織,與全國圖書館共購共享學術資源。「數位論文典藏聯盟」自2001年9月成立起,至今已有包括香港地區6所大學及台灣大學、交通大學等約60多所大學圖書館加入。每年購置美加地區博碩士論文資料庫PQDTroQuest Dissertations & Theses中的之全文資料,置於「數位化論文典藏聯盟資料庫 」(Digital Dissertation Consortium簡稱)中,供聯盟成員永久共享,迄今已典藏近 22萬餘篇全文,是取得國外學位論文的重要管道。
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● 10篇全球熱門排行,趕快點選文章名稱看全文 No1. Perceptions of executives from seven selected companies of the use of social media in marketing practices Alameddine, Abir, Pepperdine University, 2013, Ed.D. Subject: Marketing No2. Revisiting fundamental concepts of transformational leadership theory: A closer look at follower developmental processes Lippstreu, Michael, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010, Ph.D. Subject: Occupational psychology No3. Human resource management systems and firm performance Ferguson, Karen L., University of Louisville, 2006, Ph.D. Subject: Business education No4. Strategic human resource management at the crossroads: Relationships among human resource capital, overlapping tenure, behaviors, and performance Harris, Christopher M., The University of Texas at Arlington, 2009, Ph.D. Subject: Management No5. Learning to be engaged: Leader goal orientation, employee goal orientation and the mediating role of employee learning on employee engagement and performance Pollock, Patrick W., St. Ambrose University, 2015, D.B.A. Subject: Business administration No6. The influences of fashion change on the apparel-buying behaviour of young generation in Hong Kong Law, Ka Ming Derry, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong), 2002, Ph.D. Subject: Marketing No7. An Examination of the Influence of Organizational Structure Types and Management Levels on Knowledge Management Practices in Organizations Steiger, Jen, Alliant International University, 2013, D.B.A. Subject: Management No8. An awkward silence: Missing and murdered vulnerable women and the Canadian justice system Pearce, Maryanne, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2013, D.Law Subject: Law No9. Constant crisis: A study of the U.S. military's crisis communication program Teeter-Baker, Alyson M., San Jose State University, 2008, M.S. Subject: Organizational behavior No10. Ethics and business decision-making Jaunich, Gregory J., The College of St. Scholastica, 2012, M.B.A. Subject: Management
做研究,值得參考的三個理由: 1. PQDT提供美加地區為主之 321 餘萬篇博碩士論文索摘,供免費瀏覽論文的前 24 頁,並可下載列印。 2. DDC分門別類,提供超過22萬篇國外標竿大學學位論文,立即下載。 3. 可直接推薦圖書館採購,隨選隨訂。
延伸閱讀: 2017 PQDT學位論文全國熱門排行榜(含香港地區6所大學) (以pdf檔下載的方式瀏覽)