週一, 08 八月 2022 16:12

ScienceDirect(SDOL) Online Training Schedule



活動時間 / Event: 2022/10/28 AM11:00-12:00

活動報名 / Sign up: https://reurl.cc/gMVEAp


In the session, you will learn

  1. Performing a basic/advanced search
  2. Browsing journals/books
  3. Reviewing documents
  4. Using alerts/Exporting documents

Before the Webinar, please make sure

  1. Your registered email address is correct. Once you register, you will receive the email of confirmation from TEAMS. Please use the link in the email to join our session.
  2. Your name is registered correctly. We will check your names, attendance, and send out slides deck etc information after the Webinar.
閱讀 477 次數 最後修改於 週日, 16 十月 2022 10:26