Turnitin is an application that helps support the development of your skills in preparing written assignments which consists of Originality Check plagiarism prevention.
NCHU library will hold an online workshop to help students using Turnitin, including:
*Accessing the Similarity Report 本校師生著作/報告/作業與系統資料庫比對
*Interpreting the Similarity Report 產出相似文字的百分比率及比對結果報告
*Understanding Similarity scoring scenarios 了解相似度評分內容
*Viewing all sources associated with your paper 檢視引用文獻是否有所遺漏
The workshop is conducted in English. Welcome to attend the workshop:
Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 3:10 ~ 4:10 pm
Place: Online Streaming Course (google meet URL via Email on 3 days before the session)
Please click HERE
to register online. 請先上網報名.
How to register online
NOTES注意事項 :
1. All attendees will receive a google meet URL via Email on 3 days before the session.
2. This event is only for NCHU faculty and students.
If you have any questions, please contact us: wanjenchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw / Tel: 04-22840290 #143