附件一 博士論文考試結果通知書(表號 F2-55 ) Result of Doctoral Dissertation Defense (前往下載 )
附件二 碩士論文考試結果通知書(表號 F2-63 ) Result of Master Dissertation Defense (前往下載)
繳交紙本數位收據(電子回條)範例 (Digital Receipt)
NCHU master/doctoral students are required to submit your printed digital receipt to the library circulation desk in your school leaving procedure. Please fill out the full title of your dissertation when you submit your paper in Turnitin.
- 作者:於提交時請務必用本名
- 提交檔案:上傳之文稿與論文封面格式相同。
- 下載方式:
