The interlibrary loan (ILL) system is a service whereby a patron can borrow books or receive photocopies of periodicals, books, theses, and other documents from other participating libraries through prearranged agreements. Please respect intellectual property laws when utilizing the service.
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Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS)
Rapid ILL Document Delivery Service

- Photocopies of Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean journal articles, proceedings, book chapters, research papers, and theses
- Interlibrary book loans (you can use the National Bibliographic Information Network to search for books)
How do I request items?
- Search for the item of interest using the National Bibliographic Information Network or the Union List of Serials.
- Visit the NDDS website to submit requests. First-time users must create an account, and it takes about one to two days to activate new accounts. You will receive an email notification when your account is activated.
- After receiving an email notification regarding the arrival of the requested items, please pick them up at the 1st-floor reference desk.
Delivery Time
The process will take one to five business days, depending on where the material is located and how quickly that library or supplier responds to the request.
The cost depends on the library from which the item is requested. For journal articles, the cost is typically NT$2-3 per page.

RAPIDILL@NCHU is a service for requesting Western journal articles that are not available at the NCHU libraries. This service is available to NCHU staff and students only.
How do I request articles?
- Please ensure that the article is not available at one of the NCHU libraries by first checking the NCHU Library Catalogue.
- Log onto RapidILL, and fill in the journal title in full (no abbreviations), publication year, volume number, page numbers, ISSN, etc.
- After receiving an email notification regarding the arrival of the requested items, please pick them up at the 1st-floor reference desk.
Rapid ILL can only be used for requesting journal articles
- You can search for the ISSNs of journals using the Library of Congress Online Catalog or the Union List of Serials.
- The required fields in the application are ISSN, Year, and Volume. If a journal does not have an ISSN, then you will not be able to obtain its articles using RapidILL. If this is the case, we recommend using the NDDS.
- If you would like to use the NDDS in the case that an article cannot be obtained using RapidILL, please make a note in your application.
Delivery Time
Journal articles will be received within seven business days (minimum 24 hours). The actual time may vary according to where the material is located and how quickly that library or supplier responds to the request. If a requested article has not arrived after three business days, you may contact the library to inquire about the status of the request.
The cost is NT$ 3 per page for articles supplied by the RapidILL Service. The Rapid ILL service is free for journals that have been unsubscribed by the university’s Western Journal Committee.
Need more information?
If you would like more details about interlibrary loaning, please contact:
Reference Desk, 1F, Main Library
Tel: 04-22840290 ext.141