Recruitment of Group Leaders for the Library Chatsphere, 2024 Spring
The Learning Commons is now hiring 2 Group Leaders for Library Chatsphere in the 112-2 semester
About the Library Chatsphere
to improve English listening and speaking skills
meet students from different departments in the NCHU
participate in regular meetings to practice English with a group
Summary of Leader's Tasks
come up with creative topic for the group related to daily life
make extensive use of library resources for discussion
conduct at least 5 sessions, and organize a poster for the sharing party
leaders will each receive NT$8000 salary for the tasks
for more detail, please refer to the slides:
Requirements of Leaders
enrolled international students at NCHU (excluding exchange students and students take courses/programs in NCHU Chinese Language Center)
outstanding English oral speaking
experiences in facilitating small group discussions
Schedule of Library Chatsphere
leaders recruitment: 2024/2/5-2/25
*please email your application to ,with the title “Application for group leader-OOO(Name)”
review applications & release the leaders: 2/26-3/5
leader training: only one day between 3/11-3/15
release the groups for members to sign up: 3/5-3/20
release name list of final group members: 3/22
group sessions: 3/23-5/21
生活英語會話超easy 從模仿到創意~
Daily English conversation is easy : from imitation to creativity
5/3 (三) 14:00-16:00 工作篇 (已結束)
3/22(三) 14:00-16:00 食物篇 (已結束)
愛情迷你故事 - 透過Jeopardy遊戲聊聊那些關係與感情的故事
Tiny Love Stories - Talk About Relationship Experiences Through Jeopardy
講師:許庭瑜(Joanne老師,轉屋Return Inn沙龍式咖啡店創辦人、美國西北大學碩士&前美商UX主管)
In this workshop, we will share some of our most cherished (or vulnerable) relationship experiences through an exciting game - Jeopardy. You will get a chance to discuss in depth about your feeings, persepectives, and experiences about love.
★本場次線上報名且全程參加者發放餐盒 Dinner box provided
More Information
1. 活動地點為興閱坊 Location is at Learning Commons of the Library
2. 活動全程英文進行 Workshops will be held in English.
3. 每場活動抽出星巴克咖啡5名 Chances to win Starbucks coffee !