參考組 - 國立中興大學圖書館 | National Chung Hsing University Library







若有疑問或需要協助之處,請與圖書館參考組 張小姐 聯繫
電話:(04)22840291 轉 143



TEJ Pro系統將於2023/07/22 09:00進行主機升級維護,屆時TEJ Pro中的事件研究系統將暫停對外服務,預計2023/07/23中午12:00以前升級完畢


或與圖書館參考組 張小姐 聯繫
電話:(04)22840291 轉 143


週二, 18 七月 2023 19:17

Reference Services

The library has a Reference Desk to assist and guide patrons in using various library resources and services and answer questions, by phone, in person, and email. A FAQ section is also available on the website for patrons.


answer icon

Online inquiries


▼Making inquiries online:

Faculty and students are welcome to offer their constructive advice or ask questions. Our FAQ section may have the answers you need!

Patrons who cannot find the answers they are looking for are free to visit our feedback system and login with their username and password to leave suggestions or concerns.


▼ One-on-one online inquiries via LINE Library Living Circle:

Inquiries can be made on Mondays to Fridays between 09:00 and 17:00.

This service is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.

Scan the following QR Code to join the LINE Library Living Circle (Line ID: @rkk7227q )





Phone service


▼ Make inquiries in person at the library:

You are welcome to visit the Reference Desk on the 1st floor of the library opening hours.

▼ Inquiries by phone:

Call the library’s service desks:

Reference Desk on 1st floor: 04-22840290 ext. 142 or 145

Circulation Desk on 1st floor: 04-22840290 ext. 161

Learning Commons Room on B1: 04-22840290 ext. 164

Multimedia Center on 3rd floor: 04-22840290 ext. 315



Email Service


▼Email service:

Please feel free to email us any questions you might have; a dedicated person will assist you shortly.

Library email address: reflib@nchu.edu.tw


週一, 17 七月 2023 11:15

Courses and Resources

Do you want to know more about library resources and services or improve your ability to collect data and literature? You can try the following approaches:

Online self-learning

Mini courses

Sign up for library learning courses

Submit an application for librarian-taught courses (for faculty only)




Self Learning


Learning by yourself is easy. Follow my lead!

▼Use the Lib Guides for online learning.

This platform is a guide on the rich collection of library resources, which are classified by department for quick access to allow faculty and students to save time on gathering quality research materials.

★ Library guides tailored to the needs of each college/department
★ A good helper for generating reports and finding information
★ How to find resources

libguides homepage


▼Use the Digital Learning Resource Platform to watch educational videos online.

The learning platform contains an extensive range of course media files that can be watched repeatedly to improve your learning. These files include a guide to the library, instructions on how to use library resources, databases, lectures, and computer software teachings.



▼Go to the Database page in the NCHU Library e-Resources System. Each database includes a brief description and an operating manual to help you quickly get started.



▼Read Discovering Your Library: Library User Guide (for Students and Faculty) online to fully understand the services and resources that the library has to offer.





Mini Course


Are you interested in signing up for library courses, but having a tight schedule? Here's a mini course for you!

The library understands your worries. We have designed short 30-minute mini courses to allow you to study with greater flexibility. You can learn how to use library resources to conduct research in seconds and easily find English tests as well as research materials for your theses and dissertations! Courses start with only 2 or more people!

l   Sign up for the course: Minimum of 2 to 3 people are required. Application must be submitted 7 days in advance. Sign up here

l   Class availability: Every Monday to Friday by appointment only.

Monday 15:00-15:30

Tuesday 10:30-11:00

Wednesday 10:30-11:00,15:00-15:30

Friday 15:00-15:30

l   Course duration: 20–30 minutes

l   Course content:


1. Roaming Around the World

Easily master your language learning and English tests

2. Literature Research for Your Thesis/Dissertation

Master the key to literature research on: (1) Master/PhD dissertations, (2) Journal publications, and (3) Newspaper resources.

3. Literature Search for Your Thesis/Dissertation

Quickly learn how to use Turnitin, a plagiarism checker system.

4. Subject Guide

Recommend library collections based on your subject area and research field to help facilitate your research.

5. Reading Helper

(1) How to quickly locate a book, and (2) How to search for your borrowing history.

6. Enjoy Reading

Use the introductions to library space and services to find a suitable reading nook in no time.

7. Course for Teaching Assistants

How to make use of the library to help you improve your teaching skills (I): Teaching Support (venue equipment and faculty-designated reference materials)

8. Course for Teaching Assistants

How to make use of the library to help you improve your teaching skills (II): Self-improvement skills (literature research skills)






Attend a Course

Let’s take a practical course!

Do you want to study with your classmates? Do you have questions that you want to ask face to face?

The library has planned an extensive range of courses on library instruction services to enhance students’ ability to retrieve data and write their theses. These courses include topics such as English writing, bibliography management, database learning, plagiarism checking, and thesis upload, etc.

Sign up now for this semester’s research thesis workshops





Apply to teach a course

Customize your own course!

Library courses are too popular. I can never sign up for them. My class schedules are so packed that I have no time to attend library classes.

No problem! We’ve got you covered. Lecturers can now submit a course application and invite librarians to teach directly in their classroom!


Course application: Courses are given on a class-by-class basis. Submit your application 2 weeks ahead of the planned course date.

Course duration:60 minutes

Course content:

The following are the suggested course contents. They can be adjusted according to different subjects and course requirements. You are welcome to call or email a librarian to discuss course content.

★ Introduction to library services

★ Strategies and methods for research search, cataloging, and WebPAC operations

★ Introduction to key electronic resources (electronic database, electronic publications, electronic books) and use of on-campus and off-campus electronic resources

★ Searching and using core databases

★ Introduction to interlibrary services

Subject librarians:

College of Liberal Arts: Ms. Sz-Hua Pan, Ext. 290#147, email: szhua@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Ms. Jia-Jing Jiang, Ext. 290#146, email: meera@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and College of Veterinary Medicine: Ms. Jung-Jung Chen, Ext. 290#141, email: ronda@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Science and College of Life Sciences: Ms. Yi-Chun Liu, Ext. 290#148, email: yl183@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

College of Law and Politics and College of Management: Ms. Wan-Jen Chang, Ext. 290#143, email: wanjenchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw


週日, 16 七月 2023 16:17

NCHU Collection

About The NCHU Collection

To celebrate its 100th anniversary and demonstrate its research capacity, the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) remodeled the space in front of the Photocopy Room on the 1st floor of the library by installing the NCHU Collection. With a display of over 1,500 works of faculty members showcasing the fruition of their academic research and knowledge transfer, the new reading room officially opened after the opening ceremony on November 28, 2019.

The library hopes to enhance the visibility of its collection of faculty academic works and demonstrate the impressive research capacity and academic achievements of NCHU that distinguish it from other universities. The NCHU Collection is located in the reading area on the 1st floor of the library and features a cozy and comfortable reading nook, as well as an exhibition area where the works of NCHU faculty are displayed. You are welcome to visit the reading room and savor every moment of your time in it.

How to use it: The back of each book is labeled to indicate that it is the property of the NCHU Collection and arranged in the following order: College, Department, and then call number. They are only available for use in the room and cannot be loaned or checked out.


週五, 14 七月 2023 11:38



For researchers, the effective and accurate integration of individual research outputs into relevant research activities is an extremely important topic.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) aims to resolve author identity issues and effectively integrate their research activities with those of other researchers.

In recent years, Taiwanese authorities in charge of the performance management or implementation of subsidy programs have begun applying ORCID in various projects, including the Featured Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education, and the Young Scholar Fellowship (YSF) Program launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology.



What is ORCID

ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID 

ORCID provides free registration for global researchers to obtain a unique set of persistent ORCID.

ORCID is a personal academic identifier for researchers. It is expressed as an https URI with a 16-digit number: ORCID-iD icon-16x16 http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4922-9167

Over 6.53 million researchers have registered for an ORCID since the establishment of ORCID in 2012 (ORCID, 2019).

What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.

Know more about :What is ORCID



Benefits of ORCID

  • Eliminate name ambiguity   orcid_benefit1

    A unique ORCID distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you.

  • Improve discoverability of your research outputs

    ORCID links all your research profiles together to increase the visibility and discoverability of your works on platforms such as Google Scholar, Web of Science (ResearcherID) and Scopus (Author ID), ensuring that your research results are completely and correctly cited.

  • Save time

    Increasingly more publishing and journal submission systems, such as Elsevier, IEEE, Nature, PLOS, Springer, and Wiley, are supporting the ORCID mechanism that asks researchers to provide an ORCID and automatically imports relevant information and saves the time researchers spend entering the same information on different publishing systems. (ORCID Member Organizations)

    75 publishers and over 7,000 journals have included ORCID as a prerequisite for submission.

  • Stay with you throughout your career

    An ORCID is a unique identifier that persists throughout a researcher’s academic career. It is registered and maintained solely by researchers and stays with them throughout their career, no matter the changes in their line of work.



How to Register ORCID

Get your own academic identifier in just 3 simple steps!

 「ORCID Handbookpdf:See “How to Register for an ORCID,” “Create List of Works” and “ORCID Application.” 



It’s free and easy
Go to orcid.org official website



Your ORCID and
your research outputs



Your ORCID for
your works and research outputs


Customer Service

If you have any questions about ORCID, contact:

 (04)22840290#146  Ms. Chiang ORCID iD icon 


Turnitin -20230714








時間:click點我報名 07/14(五) 15:10-16:10



1.帳號申請和啟用  *補充圖書館增加自建帳號管道






notebook 1上課前我可以先自建帳號來試試

若有任何疑問或需要協助之處,歡迎聯繫圖書館參考組 張小姐
電話:(04)22840291 轉 143




試用期間:2023/6/15至 2023/7/31止 



《盛京時報》 是 "日本在東北影響最大、在華歷史最久的中文報紙"。該報於1906年10月18日在瀋陽創刊,1944年9月併入《康德新聞》(奉天)而停刊,橫跨晚清至抗戰結束,歷時38年,發刊時間連續。《盛京時報》接受日本軍部、外務省和滿鐵的資助,成為日本在華的輿論宣傳工具,內容多有強烈的政治傾向性,因此在東北地區具有重要的影響力,是探索東北地區史和研究日本在東北地區活動的絕佳材料。




