8/7 The new NCHU library service system is officially launched
The new NCHU library service system is officially launched on August 7, 2023. This system creates a seamless user experience by integrating digital and physical services in order to provide library support for teaching, learning, and research for faculty and students. Users can search the library's catalogue and online resources through our one-stop retrieval system for large amounts of print and online resources, including books, e-books, journal articles, book reviews, videos, and more.
The following search options are available:
n Integrated Search: The library's catalogue as well as electronic resources such as journal articles.
n Collection Search: Resources held by the library, including books, journals, audiovisual materials, and theses/dissertations (both physical and electronic resources).
n Journal Search: Journals subscribed to or available for access by our institution.
n Database Search: Various electronic databases subscribed to or available for use by our institution (including e-books, e-journals, and abstract databases).
If you have any questions about loans, hold request or personal account, please contact circulation desk at 04-22840290 ext.161.
Other questions please contact reference desk at 04-22840290 ext.142.
[Important Notices] - Library service suspensions for system upgrades
Library service suspensions for system upgrades
The Library is excited to announce a major upgrade to cloud-hosted library systems
to improve searching and accessing in library resources.
We will launch a new Library system on August 7 th , 2023. During the migration
period, some of the Library services will be suspended. Please note the following
Thank you for your patience during this period.
If you have any questions about loans, hold request or personal account, please
contact circulation desk at 04-22840290 ext.161.
Other questions please contact reference desk at 04-22840290 ext.142.
Dear Reader,
Turnitin will have a scheduled system maintenance on August 12 22:00 – 13 06:00 CST
Due to the maintenance, Turnitin will be unavailable between those times.
If you have any questions, please contact us: wanjenchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw / Tel: 04-22840290 #143
16-18 May 2023, Book Fair【Work Together for SDGs】
The book fair will be held from 16 May to 18 May 2023 in the lobby of the university library. In addition to a wide range of books, DVDs, and e-books in Chinese and Western languages, a special section on SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), a book exhibition on the sustainable diet, a bamboo windmill- making workshop, and a NCHU 4-H Club exhibition will be set up for participants to learn more about the global sustainable development issues.
1. Who, Where and When
For whom: NCHU students, faculty and staff
Where: university library’s lobby
Tuesday, 16 May, 10:00-17:00
Wednesday, 17 May, 10:00-17:00
Thursday, 18 May, 10:00-15:00
2. Maximizing Free Resources: Let the Library Cover Your Reading and Viewing Needs
We will exhibit books, DVDs and e-books published in Chinese and Western languages in the past three years for you to choose from! If you recommend any of your favorites to the library, your recommendations will have the opportunity to be included in the library‘s collection.
3. SDGs-themed Books
In addition to a special book selection on SDGs, we also focus on three key areas: "New Agriculture, Smart Technologies, and Green Semiconductors” in response to the establishment of the College of Circular Economy.
4. Daily Prize Draws
If you have submitted a book recommendation to the Library and shared the book fair information with at least 3 of your friends, you will be able to win a 7-11 voucher, a Family-Mart gift card, a small fan or many other goodies on the spot! The prize draws take place daily!
5. “Eat the Books and Taste the Meaning” Special Exhibition
Check-in “Eat the Books and taste the Meaning” Facebook fan page or follow NCHU Library Instagram account #nchulibrary to win a special prize.
6. Bamboo Windmill-making Workshop and NCHU 4-H Club Exhibition
In cooperation with the NCHU Agricultural Extension Center and NCHU 4-H Club, we have launched a workshop on making bamboo windmills and a special exhibition on SDGs-related issues.
7. Free Starbucks’ Coffee and Kebuke’s Iced Black Tea
Provided freely every afternoon.
8. OIA ”My NCHU Era” Point-collecting Events
In collaboration with Office of International Affairs (OIA), the event has been recognized as one of the ”My NCHU Era” point-collecting events. Come join us to better understand global sustainability development, and don’t forget to scan the QR Code to collect your points.
Dear Reader,
The Library will be closed from 2023/2/27-2023/2/28 for the National Holidays.
Thanks for your understanding.
NCHU library
Dear Reader,
Turnitin will have a scheduled system maintenance on January 15 01:00 – 09:00 CST
Due to the maintenance, Turnitin will be unavailable between those times.
If you have any questions, please contact us: wanjenchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw / Tel: 04-22840290 #143
Dear Reader,
The Library will be closed from 2023/1/20-2023/1/27 for the Chinese New Year.
Thanks for your understanding.
Happy Chinese New Year!
NCHU library
Dear Reader,
The Library will be closed from2023/1/1-2023/1/2 for the New Year. (while Study Room in Library B1 will still open for 24HRs)
Thanks for your understanding.
NCHU library
We are upgrading our "Thesis/Dissertation Submission system" to improve our user services.
During system upgrade, the system will be temporarily unavailable.
Scheduled System upgrade Time:
2022/12/21 (Wed.) 16:00pm – 17:00pm.
Please do not upload your thesis during the time.