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週六, 13 五 2023 14:14


National Chung Hsing University Press Publication Guidelines

  February 27, 2013—Approved by the 376th Administrative Meeting

          June 11, 2014—Amendments to Articles 5 and 8 approved by the 386th Administrative Meeting

          June 17, 2015—Amendment to Article 5 approved by the 393rd Administrative Meeting

          June 12, 2019—Amendments to Articles 4, 5, and 9 approved by the 425th Administrative Meeting


Article 1             The National Chung Hsing University Press (hereinafter the “NCHU Press”) has formulated these National Chung Hsing University Press Publication Guidelines in accordance with Articles 3 and 5 of the Regulations Governing the Establishment of theNational Chung Hsing University Press.

Article 2             Scope of services provided and publication formats: The NCHU Press assists NCHU faculty and students as well as domestic/international professionals and scholars with publication in print and digital media or a mix of both.

Article 3             Publication types

  1. Publications include books and journals.
  2. Types:
      Academic works, including but not limited to academic monographs, proceedings, and academic journals.
      General literary works, including but not limited to textbooks, lecture series, and general education books.

Article 4             Duties and responsibilities

  1. NCHU Press
      Publication and administrative tasks, including publishing budgets, editorial content planning and calling for papers, handling grant applications for publishing subsidies, and maintaining correspondence with all parties involved in publication.
      The NCHU Press is responsible for drafting and reviewing agreements but may delegate the editing, printing, sales, distribution, and promotion of publications to commercial publishers.
      Convening the Publication Consulting Committee and editorial boards.
  2. Editorial boards: The NCHU Press has established editorial boards for three disciplines—a) the humanities& social sciences, b) science & engineering, and c) agriculture, natural resources, & biomedicine.
      Books: Editorial boards shall be responsible for the review process, which consists of preliminary content review, the selection of external review committee members, and the submission of books to said members for external review, as well as secondary review, if deemed necessary.
      Journals: Journal editorial review boards shall be responsible for the review of academic journals before submitting them to the editorial board for the discipline for approval.

Article 5             Grant application process for book publication subsidies

  1. Application
      The applicant shall fill out the National Chung Hsing University Press Book Publication Application.
      The manuscript shall be formatted in accordance with the National Chung Hsing University Press Manuscript Format Guidelines.
      Only unpublished manuscripts will be accepted. Simultaneous submission of multiple copies of the same manuscript to different publishers is not permitted.
      To publish a co-authored manuscript, one-third or more of the co-authors must be full- and/or part-time NCHU personnel, or one-third of more of the contributions to the work must be attributable to full- and/or part-time NCHU personnel.
  2. Review process and fees
      Academic works: Submitted manuscripts of academic works shall undergo a preliminary review by the NCHU editorial board in the appropriate discipline before being submitted to two or three reviewers for double-anonymous peer review. Publication applications for proceedings passed in a professional academic review may be exempt from external review if submitted with the relevant supporting documents and approved by the editorial board.
      General literary works: Submitted manuscripts of general literary works shall undergo a preliminary review by the NCHU Press before being reviewed by the editorial board for the discipline. If deemed necessary, a manuscript may be submitted to two or three reviewers for further review.
      All review results will be verified and deliberated over by the editorial board for the discipline.
      Review fees
      1. Reviews can be carried out in the form of content review and chapter-by-chapter review.
      2. Non-NCHU scholars and professionals invited to serve as manuscript reviewers shall be compensated based on the word count of the reviewed manuscripts.
      3. Review fee standards:

For manuscripts under 100,000 words, the review fee is NT$4,000 for Chinese-language manuscripts and NT$5,000 for manuscripts written in a foreign language.

For manuscripts between 100,000 and 149,999 words, the review fee is NT$6,000 for Chinese-language manuscripts and NT$8,000 for manuscripts written in foreign languages.

For manuscripts between 150,000 and 349,999 words, the review fee is NT$8,000 for Chinese-language manuscripts and NT$10,000 for manuscripts written in foreign languages.

For manuscripts over 350,000 words, the review fee shall be determined separately based on the above standards.

The secondary review fee is NT$2,000.

  1. Publication
      Authors whose manuscripts have been reviewed and approved by an editorial board shall receive a publication subsidy.
      Authors who have received a publication subsidy shall submit the electronic copy of their manuscript within three months of receipt of notification from the NCHU Press.
      For late submissions without prior notice, the NCHU Press may defer or cancel the publication of the work being applied for.

Article 6             Grant application process for journal publication subsidies

The process for the publication of journals by NCHU units shall be as follows:

  1. Application: NCHU units seeking to publish a journal shall fill out the National Chung Hsing University Press Journal Publication Application.
  2. Review: Submit the application to the editorial board for the appropriate discipline for final verification and approval.
  3. Publication: The NCHU Press may delegate the sales and distribution of journals approved for publication by editorial boards to external publishers.

Article 7             Publication agreement and copyright

  1. Prior to the publication of literary works approved in its publication review, the NCHU Press shall sign a publication and licensing agreement with the author(s) or content provider(s) that details the legal and financial responsibilities agreed upon by both parties. This agreement shall serve as the legal basis of the rights and obligations of both parties.
  2. The ownership of copyright and intellectual property rights as well as the licensing and use of published works and their digital versions shall be agreed upon in accordance with the Copyright Act and applicable copyright laws.
  3. Authors and content providers shall guarantee their legal ownership of copyright to their works. In the event of a copyright dispute or violation of the Copyright Act, the author or content provider in question shall bear sole liability and indemnify all damages to NCHU arising from the dispute or violation.

Article 8             Remuneration and royalties

  1. The remuneration and royalties paid shall be stipulated separately in the publication agreement.
  2. NCHU units and the NCHU Press may agree on a distribution ratio of income earned from the sales and distribution of co-published publications, which can either be allotted to each NCHU unit or deposited into the University Endowment Fund.
  3. Unless otherwise stipulated by law or agreed upon in an agreement, the distribution of royalties earned from publications subsidized by the NCHU Press shall be as follows: author(s)/content provider(s): 60%; the NCHU University Endowment Fund: 25%; the NCHU Press: 15%.

Article 9             Sales and storage of publications

  1. The issuance of books other than those that are gifted, handed over, stored, or repurchased by collaborating units shall be delegated to commercial publishers commissioned by the NCHU Press. Authors do not have the right to directly sell books published by the NCHU Press.
  2. The NCHU Press may delegate the publication of print and electronic copies of an academic journal to a commercial publisher.
  3. For any publication subsidized by the NCHU Press, two print copies shall be added to the collection of the NCHU Library within one week of publication to be made available for repository and use.

Article 10          These Guidelines shall take effect upon approval of the Administrative Meeting and ratification and promulgation by the President. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are made.

週六, 13 五 2023 14:12


Regulations Governing the Establishment of the National Chung Hsing University Press

October 24, 2012—Approved by the 373rd Expanded Administrative Meeting

January 7, 2015—Amendments to Articles 3 and 4 approved by the 389th Administrative Meeting

June 17, 2015—Amendment to Article 5 approved by the 393rd Administrative Meeting

March 22, 2017—Amendment to Article 4 approved by the 406th Expanded Administrative Meeting

June 12, 2019—Amendments to Articles 3 and 4 approved by the 425th Administrative Meeting


Article 1            National Chung Hsing University (hereinafter NCHU or the “University”) has established the National Chung Hsing University Press (hereinafter the “NCHU Press”) and formulated these Guidelines to encourage academic publishing, improve the quality of academic publications, and facilitate scholarly communication.

Article 2            The University Librarian shall be concurrently appointed as the director of the NCHU Press. Library personnel shall assist with the administrative tasks of the NCHU Press.

Article 3            The NCHU Press is responsible for the following:

  1. Assisting NCHU personnel and units with academic publishing, including applications for the citation indexing of important domestic and international academic works.
  2. Assisting with the review, signing, and management of agreements related to academic publications.
  3. Evaluation of academic publications and formulation of the publication policy.
  4. Assisting with the marketing and sales of academic publications.
  5. Other matters related to the NCHU Press’ establishment goals.

Article 4            The NCHU Press has established the Publication Consulting Committee to provide counsel on affairs related to its operation, including fundraising, management and use of funds, business development, and internal rules and regulations. The committee is convened by the Director of the NCHU Press and consists of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Research and Development, the Director of the General Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration, and the Deans of NCHU colleges.

Article 5            For the purpose of publication review, the NCHU Press has established editorial boards based on the professional attributes of different discipline. Each board consists of seven to eleven members, including one ex officio member—the Director of the NCHU Press—and several scholars or professionals ranked associated professors or above. The appointment of scholars or professionals as board members shall be recommended to the President for approval by the Deans of NCHU colleges in the relevant academic fields. Scholars and professionals may be appointed for terms of office of two years and are eligible for reappointment. The convener of any editorial board shall be elected by and from among the members of the board in question.

Article 6            These Regulations shall become effective after approval by the administrative meeting and the NCHU President. The same shall apply when amendments are made hereto.



活動名稱:Emerald期刊_美食故事線上閱讀測驗_抽MSI 27吋螢幕!







活動期間:即日起至 05/26(五)下午17:00整



○一獎:Sennheiser HD 450BT 無線藍牙降噪耳機白色 (1名)

○二獎:【MSI 微星】PRO MP273W 27型平面電腦螢幕 (1名)

○三獎:全家禮品卡 500元 (2名)












提供多樣化的旅遊期刊任你探索ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ











【2023 世界閱讀日期刊資源推廣活動】-「興圖尋期  回味無窮!」




【出版中心世界閱讀日書展】  世界閱讀日 漫讀花舞間-限定書系79折

1120414 輪播 縮












   IEL資料庫2023年所提供之投稿Gold OA優惠方案,適用期刊清單由原26種刊新增為29種刊(詳見清單)。提醒您清單中JSTARS(IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing)、JEDS(IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society)、OJSP(IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing) 3刊之文章處理費(APC)已為學會優惠價,不再打8折,並僅提供美金線上付款。

另有一刊OJUFFC(IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control)若文章在2023.12.31之前被接受者,提供免收APC優惠

貼心提醒 :

享有IEL OA文章投稿之APC 優惠對象:通訊作者須為本校教職員工生提交稿件時,需在Institution欄位選擇National Chung Hsing University,並使用帶有中興大學網域的EMAIL,如@dragon.nchu.edu.tw@mail.nchu.edu.tw、@nchu.edu.tw等);

申請APC優惠時需填入本校的Ringgold IDs 為 34916才可通過認證。

更多詳情請進一步點選本館IEEE OA期刊投稿APC優惠說明

愛的讀者您好 :

近年來開放取用(Open Access)已逐漸成為學術出版的趨勢。CONCERT(全國學術電子資訊資源共享聯盟)與 Elsevier 簽訂合約,用以支持臺灣學者開放取用出版,合約自 2023 年 1   日起。本館已加入Elsevier出版社的OA方案,凡中興大學通訊作者投稿Elsevier OA期刊,即享有文章處理費12.5%折扣優惠。
本活動透過作者開放取用出版服務流程的介紹,讓臺灣學者除能熟悉 Elsevier 的相關服務,並藉由在高品質的期刊出版開放取用文章,擴大提升自身的研究影響力。

活動日期 : 2023 4 21 日(五)

活動時間 : 下午14:00~15:00

活動內容 :

n   Elsevier 開放取用出版相關資源服務探索

n   Elsevier 開放取用出版作者流程 Author Journey 介紹

n   Elsevier 開放取用投稿Q & A

報名網址 : https://reurl.cc/XLNa57


0421 SDOL OA



l活動時間:2023/12/27(星期三) 上午11:00-12:00




週二, 14 三月 2023 08:22











The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN)


The Journal of Nutrition (JN/J Nutr)


Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (JTH)


American Journal of Transplantation (AJT)


Laboratory Investigation


Modern Pathology
