


Service Hours – During Semesters

Service Hour Semesters
Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday Holidays
Reading Area 8:00-22:00 9:00-17:00


Check In/Out Desk 8:00-21:30 9:00-17:00
Reference Desk 8:00-21:30 9:00-17:00
Multimedia Center 10:00-21:00 10:00-17:00
University Archives MON, WED, FRI: 10:00-16:00
Special Collections Room TUE, THU: 10:00-16:00
Learning Commons 8:30-21:30 9:00-17:00
Reading Room 8:00-24:00 9:00-24:00
Administrative Offices 8:00-17:00 Closed


  1. The library is closed on national, school holidays and deferred holidays.
  2. In the case of special occasions, service time please refer to library website.
  3. During the exam period, the library will be open to students and faculty only. Prior to the exam period, we will post notices regarding the detailed rules and the updated service time.


Service Hours –  During Summer and Winter Vacations

Service HourSummer and Winter Vacations
Reading Area 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00


Check In/Out Desk 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Reference Desk 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Multimedia Center 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 Closed
Learning Commons 8:30-16:30 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Reading Room(summer vacations) 8:00-22:00 9:00-22:00 9:00-22:00
Reading Room(winter vacations) 8:00-24:00 9:00-24:00 9:00-24:00
Administrative Offices 8:00-17:00 Closed Closed


  1. Service hour of Special Collections Gallery at 2nd floor is 10:00-16:00 on Tuesday and Thursday.
  2. Service hour of University Archives at Hui-Sun Memorial Hall is 10:00-16:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  3. The library is closed on national and school holidays.
  4. In case of deferred holidays or other special occasions, service time please refer to library website.


Service Hours and Locations of Departmental Libraries

CollegeDepartmentConnected to the main library (Y/N)?Phone NumberLocationOpening HoursHow to borrow materials
During SemestersDuring Summer and Winter Vacations
College of Science Applied mathematics Y 22840421 ext. 316 Information Science Building, 3rd floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Use an NCHU student or faculty ID to check out materials.
Chemistry Y 22840406 Science College Building, 4th floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00
Physics Y 22840407 Science College Building, 4th floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00
College of Liberal Arts Language Center N 22840721 ext.207 Wan Nian Hall (Language Center), 2nd floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:30 Closed Materials cannot be checked out.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Plant Pathology N 22840780 ext.321 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 5th floor (within the departmental office) 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break Borrow a Departmental Library Card” at the check in/out counter at the main library, then use the Departmental Library Card to check out materials.
Insects N 22840361 ext. 519 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 8th floor (room 8C09) 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break
Soil and Environmental Science N 22840373 ext. 3309 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 3rd floor (room 3309) 8:00- 16:45 8:00- 16:45
Department of Horticulture N 22840340 ext. 210 Plant Science Building, 2nd floor (room H201) 8:00- 17:30 8:30- 17:00
College of Life Sciences Institute of Molecular Biology N 22840485 ext. 222 Life Sciences Building, 9th floor (room 909) 9:00- 12:00 14:00- 17:00 9:00- 12:00
Other Art Center N 22840449 NCHU main library, 7th floor 9:00- 17:00 9:00- 17:00


閱讀 5322 次數 最後修改於 週四, 15 二月 2024 16:21