Dear patrons,

The NCHU library is participating in the 〝Top 10 Libraries of Taiwan〞competition.

Voting takes place every day and lasts from 6/10 to 9/30. Please support the NCHU library (64-國立中興大學圖書館)!

Vote for the NCHU library now.



週二, 21 七月 2015 15:06

Library Hours During the Summer

For library hours during the summer (2015/07/06 to 2015/09/06).

Please visit the following page:



This page is accessible through the “Library Hours” link on our homepage.

週一, 13 七月 2015 17:05



Copyright Restrictions

  The University of National Chung Hsing Library licenses the collections for the research and teaching use of the University of Chung Hsing community. Each user is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of these licenses. Failure to do so can result in the loss of access to a resource for the entire University community.

   Electronic or printed copies are permitted, provided that such copies are for the personal use of authorized users, and do not result in commercial distribution or re-distribution to unauthorized users. Substantial or systematic reproduction by users is not permitted.

   Many resources have more detailed terms and conditions of use; please see individual product sites for more information.

   The content of this electronic publication is copyrighted. Users may not modify, adapt, transform, translate or create any derivative work based on this publication, or otherwise use it in a manner that would infringe the copyright or other proprietary rights therein. Copyright notices and other notices or disclaimers included in the publication may not be removed, obscured or modified in any way.

   Violations by individual users may result in licensor's withdrawal of access to ALL authorized users.



週四, 01 一月 2015 06:09



Service Hours – During Semesters

Service Hour Semesters
Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday Holidays
Reading Area 8:00-22:00 9:00-17:00


Check In/Out Desk 8:00-21:30 9:00-17:00
Reference Desk 8:00-21:30 9:00-17:00
Multimedia Center 10:00-21:00 10:00-17:00
University Archives MON, WED, FRI: 10:00-16:00
Special Collections Room TUE, THU: 10:00-16:00
Learning Commons 8:30-21:30 9:00-17:00
Reading Room 8:00-24:00 9:00-24:00
Administrative Offices 8:00-17:00 Closed


  1. The library is closed on national, school holidays and deferred holidays.
  2. In the case of special occasions, service time please refer to library website.
  3. During the exam period, the library will be open to students and faculty only. Prior to the exam period, we will post notices regarding the detailed rules and the updated service time.


Service Hours –  During Summer and Winter Vacations

Service HourSummer and Winter Vacations
Reading Area 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00


Check In/Out Desk 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Reference Desk 8:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Multimedia Center 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 Closed
Learning Commons 8:30-16:30 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00
Reading Room(summer vacations) 8:00-22:00 9:00-22:00 9:00-22:00
Reading Room(winter vacations) 8:00-24:00 9:00-24:00 9:00-24:00
Administrative Offices 8:00-17:00 Closed Closed


  1. Service hour of Special Collections Gallery at 2nd floor is 10:00-16:00 on Tuesday and Thursday.
  2. Service hour of University Archives at Hui-Sun Memorial Hall is 10:00-16:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  3. The library is closed on national and school holidays.
  4. In case of deferred holidays or other special occasions, service time please refer to library website.


Service Hours and Locations of Departmental Libraries

CollegeDepartmentConnected to the main library (Y/N)?Phone NumberLocationOpening HoursHow to borrow materials
During SemestersDuring Summer and Winter Vacations
College of Science Applied mathematics Y 22840421 ext. 316 Information Science Building, 3rd floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Use an NCHU student or faculty ID to check out materials.
Chemistry Y 22840406 Science College Building, 4th floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00
Physics Y 22840407 Science College Building, 4th floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00 Weekdays: 8:00- 17:00
College of Liberal Arts Language Center N 22840721 ext.207 Wan Nian Hall (Language Center), 2nd floor Weekdays: 8:00- 17:30 Closed Materials cannot be checked out.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Plant Pathology N 22840780 ext.321 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 5th floor (within the departmental office) 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break Borrow a Departmental Library Card” at the check in/out counter at the main library, then use the Departmental Library Card to check out materials.
Insects N 22840361 ext. 519 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 8th floor (room 8C09) 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break 8:00- 17:00 Not open during lunch break
Soil and Environmental Science N 22840373 ext. 3309 Agricultural Environment Science Building, 3rd floor (room 3309) 8:00- 16:45 8:00- 16:45
Department of Horticulture N 22840340 ext. 210 Plant Science Building, 2nd floor (room H201) 8:00- 17:30 8:30- 17:00
College of Life Sciences Institute of Molecular Biology N 22840485 ext. 222 Life Sciences Building, 9th floor (room 909) 9:00- 12:00 14:00- 17:00 9:00- 12:00
Other Art Center N 22840449 NCHU main library, 7th floor 9:00- 17:00 9:00- 17:00


週一, 13 七月 2015 16:50

Interlibrary Loan

The interlibrary loan (ILL) system is a service whereby a patron can borrow books or receive photocopies of periodicals, books, theses, and other documents from other participating libraries through prearranged agreements. Please respect intellectual property laws when utilizing the service.


Quick Links

Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS)

Rapid ILL Document Delivery Service




  1. Photocopies of Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean journal articles, proceedings, book chapters, research papers, and theses
  2. Interlibrary book loans (you can use the National Bibliographic Information Network to search for books)

How do I request items?

  1. Search for the item of interest using the National Bibliographic Information Network or the Union List of Serials.
  2. Visit the NDDS website to submit requests. First-time users must create an account, and it takes about one to two days to activate new accounts. You will receive an email notification when your account is activated.
  3. After receiving an email notification regarding the arrival of the requested items, please pick them up at the 1st-floor reference desk. 

Delivery Time

The process will take one to five business days, depending on where the material is located and how quickly that library or supplier responds to the request.


The cost depends on the library from which the item is requested. For journal articles, the cost is typically NT$2-3 per page. 



RAPIDILL@NCHU is a service for requesting Western journal articles that are not available at the NCHU libraries. This service is available to NCHU staff and students only.

How do I request articles?

  1. Please ensure that the article is not available at one of the NCHU libraries by first checking the NCHU Library Catalogue.
  2. Log onto RapidILL, and fill in the journal title in full (no abbreviations), publication year, volume number, page numbers, ISSN, etc.
  3. After receiving an email notification regarding the arrival of the requested items, please pick them up at the 1st-floor reference desk. 


Rapid ILL can only be used for requesting journal articles

  1. You can search for the ISSNs of journals using the Library of Congress Online Catalog or the Union List of Serials.
  2. The required fields in the application are ISSN, Year, and Volume. If a journal does not have an ISSN, then you will not be able to obtain its articles using RapidILL. If this is the case, we recommend using the NDDS.
  3. If you would like to use the NDDS in the case that an article cannot be obtained using RapidILL, please make a note in your application. 

Delivery Time

Journal articles will be received within seven business days (minimum 24 hours). The actual time may vary according to where the material is located and how quickly that library or supplier responds to the request. If a requested article has not arrived after three business days, you may contact the library to inquire about the status of the request.


The cost is NT$ 3 per page for articles supplied by the RapidILL Service. The Rapid ILL service is free for journals that have been unsubscribed by the university’s Western Journal Committee.

Need more information?

If you would like more details about interlibrary loaning, please contact:

Reference Desk, 1F, Main Library

Tel: 04-22840290 ext.141


週二, 23 十二月 2014 12:05

Endnote 初階+進階課程


課程名稱:Endnote 初階+進階課程

時間:13:30 ~ 16:30



4.報名未出席者,將影響您下次參加本館活動之權利,請務必確定您可出席本次活動再報名或來信 nchulibref@gamil.com取消報名

週二, 23 十二月 2014 12:04



資料庫名稱:ProQuest Agricultural全文資料庫





為農業研究所開發具獨特性質的深度檢索解決方案,主題涵蓋 植物學、農業能源、農業管理、飼料科學、水文法、土壤科學等等,內含學術期刊、貿易與工業期刊、報告、會議記錄和新聞在內,超過550篇全球一流的全文水產文獻。獨特深度索引的功能,從超過725份期刊的334,000篇出版文獻中,檢索超過340萬個圖表、地圖、表格,可加強研究人員對相關文獻的檢索能力。

lib post 1121128



我們誠摯邀請本校教師 授權圖書館代理ORCID pdf

只要完成授權圖書館代理,將可獲得個人Scopus著作清單SciVal_Overview資料 pdf

lib post 1121128



(04)22840290#146  江小姐ORCID iD icon


11201 graduationdeadline






根據本校註冊組「研究所重要日程時間表 」規定:113年2月16日(五)為畢業離校截止日,逾期不受理。


論文審核一律順序依照上傳先後順序(不接受插隊) 儘早上傳論文,


※ 目前待審論文較多,圖書館正積極審核中,請研究生耐心等候!※

離校手續截止日,請洽:教務處註冊組 04-22840212



11201 graduationdeadline