週二, 18 六月 2019 14:57

ivideo 教育影音公播網 ivideo Educational VOD Online Database


不能錯過的藝術影音饗宴【ivideo 教育影音公播網】

▶ 使用方式 :










1. 校外區域使用提醒您:若看到HD影片,請切換到SD畫質,播放更順暢!

2. 同時上線觀賞人數80人

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▶ iVideo教育影音公播網包括 :

1. 公共電視教育影音公播網 




PTSVOD database contains about 2700outstanding PTS educational video programs, covering both knowledgeable and entertaining content. PTSVOD also includes high-quality drama programs with high ratings. PTSVOD database covers four main areas: drama, documentary and environmental education, life and culture, and children and youth. A lot of these videos are the winners of Golden Bell Award. Not only have learning value, PTSVOD also contains high-rating popular videos. For example, PTS Life Stories Drama Series, PTS Innovation Stories Drama Series, Viewpoints Documentary Series, Our Island Documentary Sereis, Buzz Go Go Go Series, Follow Me Series…etc. The videos on PTSVOD website are viewable on all devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) using any operating system (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.). You can select and watch the video content at any time, any place, rather than having to watch at a specific broadcast time! Give it a go!


2016年上架之影片  2017年上架之影片  2018年上架之影片 2019年上架之影片  2020年上架之影片   2021年上架之影片  2022年上架之影片


2. 想享學知識館




The video courses of Xiang Xue Educational VOD Online Database are authorized by Xiang-Xue.com and produced by SunnyStudy Digital Learning. Xiang Xue Educational VOD Online Database provides a wide range of courses including language learning, information technology, humanities and aesthetics, business studies, cooking, fitness training, etc. These lessons could make your life more productive, broaden your vision, and develop your potential. With Xiang Xue, you don’t need to collect unsystematic learning materials on the Internet, nor do you need to buy any thick reference books anymore. Press the play button, let the teachers speak to you and teach you the methods via computers and cellphones!All videos in these collections have educational broadcasting right for viewers to watch online in campus, library, or academic institution. “Online Learning” makes learning more flexible and convenient. Learners don’t need to go to fixed classrooms at fixed time anymore.





3. 刷刷電影院



「刷刷電影院」為教育公播版權的電影平台,專為圖書館提供豐富的線上電影串流服務。內容共收錄200部電影,可一次享受來自 美/英/法/義/俄/中/日/台...等各國電影,並特別精選國內外得獎片(義大利金像獎、日本金像獎、美國獨立精神獎等...)、影展片(威尼斯影展、日舞影展、台北國際影展、蒙特婁影展等...),具豐富人文藝術價值,支援手機/平板等行動載具,線上隨選隨看,讓使用者可隨時隨地享受電影帶來的藝術饗宴。

ShuaShua Movie Theater collects hundreds of domestic and international films, including dramas, humanity movies, action movies, animation movies, horror movies and more.This wonderful diverse collection is both entertaining and educational, and it includes films that discuss humanities, culture, and art. User interface is simple and smooth, and it works for computer as well as all mobile devices. Users can view their favorite movies by using their fingers either on the sofa in the library, on the bed in the dormitory, or in the classroom. Everyone can watch movies at any time to enjoy the entertainment all the time.

影片清單: 2022刷刷電影院片單  2022刷刷電影院片單(8月更新)   2023刷刷電影院更新片單


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