The Digital Maker Studio in NCHU Library is an environment that encourages its users to be innovative and proactive while exploring and executing new ideas from all subject areas. This maker space provides access to a convenient space which is equipped with several modern digital technologies, such as 3D scanner, 3D printer, computer, specialty software and more. By making the resources available and accessible for users across campus, the studio has been designed to turn creative ideas into realities. Students who use the space are inspired to undergo hands-on experiences and are anticipated to develop problem solving skills.
Approved student may appoint Digital Maker Studio at 自學空間預約系統 and following 數位自造工坊使用須知 . User should also refer 國立中興大學圖書館數位自造工坊管理要點.
Space Introduction
Digital Maker Studio is located at 5/f library and is a composition of tutorial and working area.
Tutorial area could accommodate up to 25 person and equipped with 75” mobile monitor, glass whiteboard, 5 mobile whiteboards and 9 power sockets.
There is a 210*90CM desk in working area and also offer 3D scanner, monochrome/multi-color 3D printer, LCD 3D printer, and heat transfer printing system

tutorial area

working area
Equipment Introduction

3D Scanner
- Suitable for scanning opaque, non-black and glare-free object with size up to 20cm.
- Support stl, obj, 3mf, ply, asc file for output.
Delta 3D printer
- No need to calibrate Z-axis each time.
- Able to print finer sphere and cylinder.
- Rapid change of printhead is more convenience for multi-material printing.
- Support several multi-material including PLA.
- Maximum printing size is Ø30×H27cm.

Monochrome 3D printer
- Print under Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
- Support several printing material including PLA
- Maximum printing size is 20*20*20cm

Multicolor 3D printer
- Using PLA as printing material
- Support up to 4 print out colors
- Maximum printing size is 19*20*20cm

LCD 3D printer
Suitable for more sophisticated and sturdy product
- Using photopolymer as printing material
- Maximum printing size is 29*16*40cm
- Equipped with UV curing system

Heat press machine
- Support different material including cloth, ceramics and aluminum so that T-shirt, mug, handbag could be customized.
- Also equipped die-cut machine, computer, dye-sub printer and heat transfer printer.
Laser Cutter & Engraver
- A powerful laser cutter and engraver that let you shape, cut, and engrave on different materials.
- Able to engrave wood, acrylic, cardboard, bamboo, glass, cement, stainless steel (with steel spray).
- Can cut wood, acrylic, cardboard, bamboo with not thicker than 5mm.
- Maximum working area is 30X21cm.
- Equipped with eye protect glass and rotation axis.
Authorized user may apply Digital Maker Studio by submitting application(申請表單) to Miss Lin of 資訊組(290#325)in advance of 14 days. Successful applicant will receive confirmation letter. Cancellation should inform 3 days before appointment day.
- Heat transfer printing : All printing material please buy in CAVES bookstore.
- 3D printing (FDM): Library provide PLA. Charge is based on finish time shown in Slicer. Minimum charge is $50 with unit time of 1 hour. On second hour, charge is $25 per 30 minutes with unit time of half hour.
- Delta 3D printing: Charge is based on finish time shown in PING Slicer.
- Monochrome 3D printing: Charge is based on finish time shown in MPrint.
- Multicolor 3D printing: Charge is based on 2 time of finish time shown in CANVAS.
- Payment should make by EasyCard and no recharge service provided so please make sure your card has sufficient balance.
- PLA color show below


Deep Blue

Bronze brown

- LCD 3D printing: Charge is based on finish time shown in CHITUBOX. Minimum charge is $80 with unit time of 1 hour. On second hour, charge is $40 per 30 minutes with unit time of half hour.
- Payment should make by EasyCard and no recharge service provided so please make sure your card has sufficient balance.
- Resin color please refer following.

water gray
water black


Aqua Green

Aqua Blue